
Views included

There are four views provided by django-valet-keys:

The “home page” for django-valet-keys, listing all of a user’s keys and offering a link to create a new one. It’s handy to offer a link to this view from a profile or settings page.
Accepts a user-authored description and generates a new key.
Allows a user to disable a key, linked from the list view. Note that keys are never deleted, only disabled. This preserves recorded history and allows later investigation of robot misbehavior.
Paginated view of usage history for a key, linked from the list view.


There’s no edit view. Keys can be created or disabled, but are otherwise immutable. The only user-serviceable part is the description of the key; user name and password are randomly generated.

The @accepts_valet_key decorator

In your views, the @accepts_valet_key decorator is the primary way to support valet keys. For example:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from valet_keys.decorators import accepts_valet_key

def hello(request):

    if request.valet_key:
        msg = 'HELLO ROBOT, I SEE YOU ARE IMPERSONATING %s' % request.user
    elif request.user.is_authenticated():
        msg = 'Why, hello there Mr. User!'
        msg = 'Welcome, guest.'

    response = HttpResponse(msg)
    response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
    return response

The above demonstrates the features of the @accepts_valet_key decorator:

  • request.valet_key is set to None, if the request did not present a valid key in HTTP Basic Auth.
  • request.valet_key contains an instance of valet_keys.models.Key if there was a valid key presented via HTTP Basic Auth.
  • Additionally, request.user is set to the Django User who owns the valet key.

The Key model and activity logging

As mentioned above, views decorated with @accepts_valet_key will receive an instance of valet_keys.models.Key in request.valet_key if a valid key was presented via HTTP Basic Auth.

The presence of this instance (ie. not None) is useful for detecting access by an authorized robot. However, there is also a logging method presented by the Key model object which is useful for recording what the robot did while acting on a user’s behalf. It works like so:

def comment(request, slug):
    blog_post = get_object_or_404(BlogPost, slug=slug)

    if 'POST' == request.method and request.valet_key:
        content = request.POST['comment']
        request.valet_key.log('blog.commented', blog_post, content)

As demonstrated in this pseudo-code, the Key model offers a log method that accepts these parameters:

Arbitrary string naming an action, handy when prefixed with an app name.
An optional content object on which the action was performed.
Arbitrary text offering further description of the action.

Calls to log result in entries visible on the valet_keys.views.history view, thus offering rudimentary key usage tracking.


This is a pretty cruddy logging API, so pull requests welcome!